2005年12月01日 (木)

今日のお題:日韓比較尊攘思想研究 ――尊華攘夷と尊王攘夷のあいだ(慶尚大学校慶南文化研究院・南冥学研究所『南冥学研究』第20号、2005年12月)

KIRIHARA Kenshin: A comparative study of Korean and Japanese Zong-yong (尊攘) thought

In the middle of the nineteenth century (especially after the Opium War), there was a surging chauvinism movements in East Asia. Korean and Japanese chauvinists often shouted similar slogans; Zongfa-yangi (尊華攘夷; Revere the China and expel the foreigners) and Zongwang-yangi (尊王攘夷; Revere the Emperor and expel the foreigners). The activists called these slogans Zong-yang (尊攘; Revere and Expel) for short. Zong-yang thought was not only chauvinism but also nationalism (of course, It was a pre-modern form). The purpose of this paper is to make a comparative study of Zong-yang thought in Korea (Confucian Husan, Heo-Yu (后山・許愈) : 1833-1904) and Japan (Loyalist YOSHIDA Shōin (吉田松陰) : 1830-1859).

Heo-Yu was a famous the scholar of Hanju school (寒洲学派) established by his Master Li Hanju (李寒洲) in the end of the Chosun dynasty. At that time Korea faced imperialist invasions from the West and Japan. It was in a very turbulent age that he lived. In such an age, many Confucians raised the loyal armies, while he devoted all his energy to educating disciples, to proofreading “the Nammyong-zip”(『南冥集』) and “the Lihaku-zongyo” (『理学綜要』), and to publishing the selected works of his Master (“the Hanju-zip”; 『寒洲集』). This is not to say that he lived in the Hermit Nation. All his academic activities were battles against the overall crisis. He insisted on chu-li theory (主理説), because he thought that in order to revive State (社稷) and Moralities (人倫) the tradition of the learning of Chu-Li (朱李; Chuhsi朱子and Li Toege李退渓) had to be only clarified.

On the other hand, the Japanese Loyalist Shōin never insisted on metaphysical Li (理). If anything, it is better to say that he strongly adhered to the school of chu-ki (主気派). His theory and practice were based on the phenomenal world; the fact that Japan exists in inter-national society. He sought after the characteristic property of Japan in this world.

Although both Heo-Yu and Shōin argued for Zong-yong, their bases were different each other; chu-li and chu-ki. This fact mirrors the difference between Korean and Japanese Confucianism.

Key Words; Zongfa-yangi (尊華攘夷; Revere the China and expel the foreigners) and Zongwang-yangi (尊王攘夷; Revere the Emperor and expel the foreigners). The activists called these slogans Zong-yang (尊攘; Revere and Expel), Husan Heo-Yu (后山・許愈), YOSHIDA Shōin (吉田松陰), YAMAGATA Taika (山県太華), the Hanju school (寒洲学派), chu-li (主理), chu-ki (主気)

19世紀中葉、とりわけアヘン戦争以降、排外主義運動がアジアを席巻した。韓国と日本の排外主義者はしばしば似たようなスローガンを叫んだ。すなわち、「尊華攘夷」と「尊王攘夷」である。この活動家たちはこれらのスローガンを「尊攘」と略称した。「尊攘」思想は、排外主義のみならずナショナリズムでもあった(むろん、それは前近代的形態であるが)。本稿の目的は、韓国(后山・許愈: 1833-1904)と日本(吉田松陰): 1830-1859)における尊攘思想の比較研究である。



