2012年03月24日 (土)





2012年03月12日 (月)

今日のお題:桐原健真「「第三の開国」とはなにか? :戦後日本における自他認識の転回(1945〜1980)」『文化』74巻3号、1−20頁、2011年

桐原健真「「第三の開国」とはなにか? :戦後日本における自他認識の転回(1945-1980)」『文化』74巻3号、1-20頁、2011年







誤 What is the "third opining" of Japan?

正 What is the "third opening" of Japan?

なので直しました。「third opining」ってなんだろうね。「second opinion」なら聞いたことありますが。

What is the "third opening" of Japan?: revolution of self-and-other consciousness in post war Japan (1945-1980).

"We are in the age of the third opening of our country (第三の開国期)." Under this slogan, many Japanese statesmen, entrepreneurs, and intellectuals asserted plans for the reform of Japan since the late twentieth century. However, the meaning of the phrase "third opening" changed with the times. This change of discourse regarding the "third opening" represents a revolution in Japanese self-and-other consciousness.

The "first opening", which was started by Commodore Perry of the U.S. Navy with steam gunboats in 1853, succeeded in the modernization of the closed Japan. But eventually, militaristic ambitions led modern Japan to declare war against "western civilization". This war ended in a signal defeat of Japan in 1945. The "second opening" started from the unconditional surrender. The "second opening" was a means to democratize the "twelve-year-old boy" (Japan) under General MacArthur. Because both the "first and second opening" were promoted by the good guidance or the external pressure (外圧) of the United States, the discourse of the "third opening" also reflected Japanese sentiments toward the Americans.

On the other hand, after this discourse linked to the flourishing of essays on Japan and Japanese (日本論・日本人論) written by Japanese people in the 1970’s, many Japanese, who regarded their own nature as based around the exclusionism of the closed country (鎖国), thought themselves to be ae people who ought to be opened. Because advocacies of the "third opening" had become a narrative about the Japanese essence, Japanese people were to set their hands to a grand program to reform their own nature. In this way, they were (are) suffering Permanent Opening (永久開国論) which they themselves brought about. This and an ongoing dissatisfaction in Japanese self-consciousness linked to the discourse on closed Japan (鎖国日本) were as two sides of the same coin.

