2005年03月01日 (火)


   On YOSHIDA Shōin's view of “Shinchoku”(the divine Edict of Amaterasu Ōmikami or the Sun Goddess)

The purpose of this paper is to explicate a formation process of YOSHIDA Shōin's (an activist and royalist in the last days of the Tokugawa-regime 1830-1859) philosophy concerned with Shintō (the way of the gods), especially “Shinchoku”.

"This Reed-plain-1500-autumns-fair-rice-ear Land is the region which my descendants shall be lords of. Do thou, my August Grandchild, proceed thither and govern it. Go! And may prosperity attend thy dynasty, and may it, like Heaven and Earth, endure for ever"(“Nihongi” Trans. W. Aston. 1924. 1:77.) .

This is what is called “Tenjō-mukyū-no-Shinchoku” (the divine Edict of eternity as heaven and earth) promulgated by Amaterasu Ōmikami, who sent her grandson from heaven to earth (Japan) to found a dynasty “to rule eternally”. Shōin believed in “Shinchoku”, asserting that “every way of Kōkoku (the Empire of Tennō) originated in the age of the gods; therefore all Japanese subjects should believe in this myth (‘Kōmō-Sakki-hyōgo-no-hanpyō').” This paper provide an answer to the question as to why he came to believe in it.

In Shōin' s early period, he considered Shintō and “Shinchoku” an ideology to rule people. The reason why he came to believe in “Shinchoku” was that Kokugaku (Japan's “Native Studies”) had exerted a strong influence upon his thought. He read in MOTOORI Norinaga's (a pivotal scholar of Native Studies 1730-1801) “Naobi-no-Mitama” (the Spirit of Renovation) that “Shinchoku” had been the sacred promise which assured eternal independence of Japan. Since then, he came to regard “Shinchoku” not as a mere ideology but as the thesis that everyone has to believe in. It was this belief, that lay in his thought at the foundation of his Sonnō-jōi (Revere the Emperor and Expel the Barbarians) movement. Although it is generally accepted that “Shinchoku” was a political ideology in modern Japan's Emperor system, for Shōin the meaning of “Shinchoku” was completely different from that of modern Japan.






<< 幕末志士の読書―吉田松陰の書籍貸借をめぐって(「書物・出版と社会変容」研究会、2005年02月05日、国立市・一橋大学) | main | 幕末における普遍と固有――吉田松陰と山県太華(日本思想史研究会『年報日本思想史』第4号2005年3月) >>